45.039898 Degrees N, 107.093631 Degrees E


Looking Towards Home

Looking Towards Home



Word up to everyone from the Gobi

Word up to everyone from the Gobi

Mongolian Blog

Well, I am off to Inner Mongolia. I will try to keep this updated as my trip progresses, assuming it remains interesting. I hope to keep everyone up to date and entertained!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

At this time, my transator and I are the only ones who speak english. Pretty strange feeling. With spanish, i could get the gist of conversations, but here i dont recognize a thing. I now know two Mogolian words - Hello and Thank You. And even those are difficult to pronounce.

Just before the dust storm hit.

We had a crazy dust storm here yesterday. I was in the office working and all of a sudden everyone started scrambling. I look outside and there is a brown cloud so i go to my Ger to close it up (everything is always left open) and being the (insert the Mongolian word for "Gringo" here) that I am , i could not figure it out so one of the dudes came out to help me. All the doors in the camp were shut up, but I stayed out in it for a while because, well I have never been in one before. Now i am dirty.

The dust storm hitting my sweet little outpost on Mars.

According to my translator, the Chinese are lucky that Ghengis Kahn started whooping ass in his 40's, because if he had been younger, there would be no China. Interesting prospective. i dont think that Mongolians like the chinese very much.

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